Ain’t gonna waste my time with the pleasantries, listeners. I hear your echoing ear canals from here begging for something new. And Squiggle Dot has that for you!
First, y’all can feast upon the imagination of Human Mirth Tube Unit’s “404.” Traversing a glandular, peaceful zone, “404” is a smooth combination of lax-hotline core, be-bop beauty, elevator-club phenom, and breezy treezy. Human Mirth Tube Unit ability to lay down a blanket on foreign sand (it’s purple, the sand is purple, and this “foreign” is way outside Earthly realm) and comfortably stare into a skyline riddled with plants near and far, crashes creativity in the central mind-set of listeners, as does the rest of their newest self-titled release. Relax within the mayhem:
Now it’s time to “Face It,” as Cosmic Vitamins lends listeners a freight of energy akin to maybe three bumps and an espresso. Toned and honed, “Face It” is the inspiration to take challenges head-on, because Thursday ain’t getting any easier, and it’s time to buck up to the plate. Then clean it. Shit, nobody wants to do chores or tedious shit, but the quicker we get all this done, the more time we have to listen to the rest of SHINE, Cosmic Vitamins’ newest release on Squiggle. Sniff-sample the quality, below:
Oh boy! Someone opened the door to Matthew Barlow’s room, and like the elevator blood doors from The Shinning — only way-way slower and Baja Blast (instead of blood) — a rush of chill floods these corridors. Pensively, Each Star a Thought builds within about 60 minutes of pure euphoria, finding the corners of our universe right in the backyard. Or the crevasse of your eye. Anyway, if you’re looking, take a break on Matthew Barlow’s bean bag. You see his lava lamp? Some say it’s a living being. Others find mental awakening in Each Star a Thought. Are you ready?