Tiny Mix Tapes

Mark Van Hoen - “It’s Not You (In A Way)” “It’s Not You (In A Way)”


Oh those days when nothing is agreeing. The boss has put you off for weeks. You know another coworker gonna swoop your idea. This morning your partner and you get into some STUPID argument that revolves around you two saying “It’s Not You (In A Way).” Nobody in this tango is right or wrong, but all left feet. This is happening in the car, and getting worried about that presentation at work — whether or not it’ll happen — completely burdens your mind while keeping your voice and composure down is the only MO while LIRR commuters are walking by. And coffee at this point is out of the question, so while at work, while getting coffee from the cafe, your boss calls you three or four times, and e-mails you to reconvene at four that day. Then you see that “another coworker” sitting in the boss’ office. You can’t tell if the coworker is looking at you or thinking or both, but all is lost, and it’s about time to leave this jorb already.

Tiny Mix Tapes has been honored to host premiere’s for the past few Winter Sketches tapes on the beloved label, Geographic North. So it’s chill to take a break from being super specific in my writing (which premieres entail) and doing my C-thang with Mark Van Hoen’s newest track off Sketch for Winter V, “It’s Not You (In A Way).” And maybe it’s the “[sub]title” track for this tape, but really it just rules on the low-key heavy vibes. Scope, jerky: