Les? Is that you Les? Or is that you again Randy? Am I in Massachusetts, or with the devil in Georgia, or in a very large array of fruitopia cyber-hacks getting rug burn while sliding down a secret lair satellite dish, or with Andrew Jackson searching for the fabled Bell Witch, or on some slap-a-knee southern plantation in Sunny Los Angeles? Les, if that is you Les, why the mess, and why so many bad words? MY alien abduction wasn’t like that at all…not one bit; there was hardly any bodily fluids of ANY sort. Overall, the aliens treated me very nice and I behaved as a proper guest should (taking note of the laminated LaVey poster in their waiting room: “If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.”). The only thing that really happened of interest was they offered me some halloween candy and I got a sugar rush. The bloodreds got turned up to E.C. and slid off the pages. Looked like a bunch of Mardi Gras feather fluff flying around in one of those catch-some-cash machines. And, while my abduction wasn’t as dull or forgettable as, say, the new episodes of X-Files, it wasn’t exactly a sexed-up interstellar romp. What I mean to say is that not EVERYBODY’S doing you-know-what in a U.F.O.