Look out, dear li’l, doe-eyed reader. You’re tired. It’s slippery out here. The lines are gettin’ all blurry. And dance-ish, concrete-collage-y internet-music masterbrain and erstwhile TMT Grinder compadre More Eaze is comin’ back around the mountain when he comes, drivin’ six white horses, wearing red pajamas, and hungry as HELL for chicken and dumplings!
What do all those things I just said have to DO with each other? Not a thing, really! It’s just PIZAZZ and TICKER-TAPE! Why??? For one thing, because good ol More Eaze has a new album coming out next month on Never Anything Records! The album is called D0M@N3 (pronounced “domain”), and just like the constituent letters that make up its title, it’s an up-n’-down, accordian-y forward-march of of footwork, drony experimentalism, rapid-fire Internet music blitz, and Musique Concrete harshness all converging on the same town square’s dilapidated band-shell. And for another, because BARRAGES OF NON-SEQUITUR things are their own reward sometimes!
Oh, and speaking of barrages, non-sequiturs, and rewards: I guess the other teency-weency li’l reason for this parade we’re throwing is that the album’s celebration-in-a-can title track premieres TODAY. It’s a “suite like composition that incorporates real and midi orchestration, cut up samples, and a myriad of beats/electronics.” Check its funky violin loop and six-white-horse-drivin’ beat… before it all disintegrates into a Plunderphonics-type soup. You can catch it right down below, but best get your best handclapping gifs and party memes all copied and and in-position first. You’re gonna need to paste ‘em in a hurry.