Tiny Mix Tapes

Airport - “Paean To Chi’s Awakening” “Paean To Chi’s Awakening”


Friday, someone asked me what they were most afraid of, so I answered with my biggest fear, “Is it getting food on you or your clothes?” They told me it was the beginning of “Thriller.” -_- Passion-projects beg to be “felt.” I also believe to be passionate about something, one must experience fear in various ways. Airport’s newest release Lorde Playlist on Afternoons Modeling is something of recent ear candy to me. There’s so much to explore, so many sounds familiar and twisted, and so fuego-fuego. “Paean To Chi’s Awakening,” the video for the Airport single, is terrifyingly revolting to me, as not only is this fear of getting food on me a phobia of my own, but seeing others spill things on themselves (intentionally or not) make my brain bleed profusely. Thankfully, Lorde Playlist helps with the clean up. Album review coming soon. Experience is everything. Make yours: