Hey, you! Why don’t you electric-slide on over this way and check it? See that? It’s a portal. Looks like a Magic Eye, don’t it? How interested are you in the word, “worldly?” Because there are others out there. And I’m not talking about “aliens,” I’m talking WORLDS. Just hop on through and find something new. Ride the wave of imagination until it becomes reality. Maybe you’re a sketch in the next dimension. Maybe a “Twilite Girl.”
Let Dang Olsen Dream Tape be your spirit guide through this trans-embodiment journey. Y’all can follow the Constellation Tatsu. Even though these are other “worlds,” it’s still Earth, so sky remains sky. But experience it all. Eat everything. Touch and smell the landscape. Find unrecognizable sounds. Mostly close your eyes and open a third. It’s being that’s important!
“Twilite Girl” is the first single off Dang Olsen Dream Tape’s newest cassette entitled Zonk in Constellation Tatsu’s May 23 batch.