Tiny Mix Tapes

Sun Ark - SECOND SYSTEM VISION RADIO EPISODE 9: “Lion Cube Scaffold: Preliminary Sunflow” SECOND SYSTEM VISION RADIO EPISODE 9: “Lion Cube Scaffold: Preliminary Sunflow”


We’ve all found the adventure within Sun Araw’s music (and if you haven’t there’s always time to take the quest). And there have been plenty of golden years of ‘raw, so pick up where you choose, forever! But there are brass tacks, and then you’ve got LARAAJI: ultimate mind journeyman. So when you combine Sun Araw [Band] (including the one-and-only, Alex Gray) and LARAAJI you getcha-self Professional Sunflow. And as I believe this may have been the last time Alex and Cam tour as Sun Araw — maybe just for a minute or two while he and Jess’ continue to build their empire) — they were able to capture and document their travels with LARAAJI in SECOND SYSTEM VISION RADIO EPISODE 9: “Lion Cube Scaffold: Preliminary Sunflow.” It’s all exciting. Snoop below for more info. Roll it above to hop along for the ride!

SSVR9 is a document of Grayfolded tune-ups and soundchecks in anticipation of Professional Sunflow,
the forthcoming 2xLP of live recordings from the 2014 collaborative European tour of the
SUN ARAW BAND with LARAAJI, avail for pre-order NOW.