Y’all fucking warring over Beyonce and Jay-Z, Kanye and Drake, Keith Urban and Blake Shelton, Rhianna and Sia, Radiohead and Ariana Grande. Nobody givvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvves a shit. “Revolution” is happening DAILY on Bandcamp and [the ever-decreasing limitations of] SoundCloud. You can’t even upload music to Apple gear. That one Apple robot will never dance like a can to personally uploaded tracks. iTunes. I remember having iTunes and separating genres by “Rock” and “Not Rock.” Luckily, Dream Catalogue is comfort-zoning all the dirgey and HD- high gloss shit LLCs can’t even bother affording.
Sony Music Corporation will never release an album by LILLITH双生. How badly do you think those “music executives” would’ve torn apart (SEASON_0) Hazard Garden? Just so your uncle can hear it shopping in a TJ Maxx —peacefully— across town without all the “WTF?” WTF is exactly why albums like (SEASON_0) Hazard Garden should exists. It’s a tour through that post-future landscape that’s exactly like today, only 200 years from now, nothing changed but art (constantly), and LILLITH双生 is there providing a holographic tour in a kitchey array of lasers and lights.
LILLITH双生’s (SEASON_0) Hazard Garden is on cassette via Dream Catalogue and still on sale, so grip before you can’t find a way back through the muck-circuitry.