Tiny Mix Tapes

Guest Mix: Bryant Canelo - Bridge Burning Mix Bridge Burning Mix


Oof, I really like Bryant Canelo. Dude is REAL and FRIENDLY. A combination only FEW Jersey natives can combine. And FEWER New Yorkers can even comprehend it. So dangling and mangling with good old Bryant Canelo is always the best usage of my time or your time or anyone who is with him. We were able to sit down when he was in town a few weeks ago — transitioning from Portland to Seattle, although I met him living in Brooklyn, after he moved out his parents place in Jersey — and we did a lil Q&A y’all will see soon on TMT. But for the mean-time, he done did us with a guest mix!!

During out talk, he divulged a few things, including his feelings on the dying “beat scene,” if “techno” will continue to rule the underground, and how he’s always got a finger on the pulse that “trends” can’t even fuck with what he puts out. For example, Bridge Burning Mix hits and hits and hits the bullseye before y’all can even consider your turn to throw a dart. Try him. Try Bryant Canelo’s flavor. It’s delicious. And TMT is honored to host it.

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