Tiny Mix Tapes

Vladyk Predovitch - Plays… Plays…


Damn this some fragmentation shit. Not just musical or linear, but Plays… is the complete unraveling of imagination. Like spooling thoughts colliding within a pool of creative layering. That “god melody.” A list of core-passion, nomenclatural Jenga, rhythm in disguise, high-unibrow investigation, bits and pieces of something once human, and Vladyk Predovitch (owner of Antifur)… staggering to keep mounted upon the ivories. Tickling keys like a puppet master that was never hired to work the local carnival, but he still shows up. Full outfit and cast and stage. A different story every day. Each plot thought-through like War and Peace. Only this is Vladyk Predovitch, and he Plays…, out now as a “name your price” release (digital) on Tokyo Exchange. Find the future dug up like a time-capsule everyone forgot about.