While listening to Dott’s Beverly Baldwin at the Queens 74th Street E subway stop, a gentleman stood next to me dressed in white linen and smelling of perfect incenses. I approached him and asked how he got his cloth so clean without blemish or wrinkle. I also asked where he purchased such fine clothing. He was overcome with contentment, gave me “His guy’s” number, and told me his partner washes it in their bath with a specific soap that latches onto the herbs she cuts up in and places in the water, and it comes out this perfect. After his partner washes it, he helps hang dry the clothes (as he has many), and proceeds to use a stove-top iron to heat-up and decrease the linen so it’s just the way he likes it. He works as a tour guide. And casts off of 42nd street.
Dott’s are that same sort of serendipity I experienced with this man on 74th; Beverly Baldwin expresses a sort of rock nostalgia and hook-verse/-chorus that I’m both lined AND sinkered into enjoying something I haven’t in a minute. Do the same: