Maybe bent on causing original-recipe Four Loko flashbacks, the marketing for DC’s mega-comic event Suicide Squad has leaned heavily on a bootleg Ed Hardy/Invader Zim vibe somewhat at odds with the fact that the movie itself mostly happens in sad rain. But the atmosphere of the film’s posters and Facebook ads has soaked into its soundtrack, which features Panic! At The Disco playing “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “Without Me” (!), and… a new song by Grimes. Weirdly reminiscent of the Spawn soundtrack, “Medieval Warfare” is gnarly-mode Claire B., a doubling down on the drop from “Go” but with more nu-metal guitar, even more spiritually inspired by the #skwad than “Kill V. Maim.” This is the side of Grimes that has toured with Skrillex (who also appears on this album).
You can listen to “Medieval Warfare” here: