When I was a child, my mother had me believe that bad energy existed within the world. This was at an early age that I began believing people harbored “energy” by-way of intangible consumption. Like how something “absorbs” into your system. Let’s take for example a candle burning with a pot and one day all the wax has melted away. Or lotion you purchase in a large bottle to eventually use all-up, but of a measurement too meticulous to schedule. Flash has gone to there. And DMT is this absorption of pure darkness.
Let’s get something straight: there’s a difference between trans fats and zero-calories. Trans fats will murder you. Zero-calories are more like carcinogens. DMT is the carcinogen of audible hypnotics. Todd was right; “There are no rules.” As that feeling hits you like claws across your flesh, sinking a shave of Antifur against bare skin. Darkness swelling within like it has nowhere to go, but loom. DMT is exactly 20 minutes, but more like eternity defining that lunch break sitting reading a zine that looks like a school yearbook, and your 31, so waste in a Flash: