Peals, the Baltimore-based duo of William Cashion (Future Islands) and Bruce Willen (ex-Double Dagger) have announced their forthcoming second album. It’s called Honey, and it’s out September 16 on Friends Records.
Recorded over a three-year period in Willen’s Baltimore home, Honey promises to refine and expand upon the sound the band established on 2013’s Walking Field. Taking lead track “Become Younger” as any indication, that means Honey and its hazy, instrumental pop melodies will likely be the soundtrack to all of your finest daydreams in the coming months.
Honey will see a digital release, as well as releases on vinyl, CD, cassette, and, of course, on a USB stick submerged in a jar of actual honey. It also includes a handful of guest contributions, most notably from former Smashing Pumpkins member James Iha on the track “Punk Migration.”
Check out the tracklist for Honey, Peals’ upcoming tour dates, and the video for “Become Younger” below. (And seriously consider that USB stick in a jar of honey. If a sealed jar of honey never spoils, then a USB stick of Honey sealed inside of a sealed jar of honey has got to be the highest-quality recording ever known to man.)
Honey tracklist:
01. Become Younger
02. Wind Honey
03. Essential Attitudes
04. Tehachapi Loop
05. Punk Migration
06. Trillium
07. Grapefruit
08. Pink Could
09. Koan 2
Peals Tour Dates:
09.15.16 - Richmond, VA - Gallery 5
09.16.16 - Baltimore, MD - The Compound
09.17.16 - New York, NY - Trans Pecos