Tiny Mix Tapes

Cadu Tenório - “Cyberia (Digital Deathru)” “Cyberia (Digital Deathru)”


Welp, Cadu Tenório beat every last hardvapour producer to the title, “Cyberia (Digital Deathru).” Distributing a nightmare via biological virus, “Cyberia (Digital Deathru)” hacks into the listener’s mind like a dream that one felt was real, working on practically no sleep, and now you smell like onions grilling immediately upon showing up to work 15 minutes late. And the video solidifies that by spastically flickering images of quick and blended motion graphics, matching the kaleidoscopic pace of Cadu Tenório’s productionist trickery. Brava and Sinewave has what’s in the baggie.

So, WHY “Cyberia (Digital Deathru)?” Because it’s the second track (really the first, but “A” is worth the LOL) off one of the two new Cadu Tenório’s Rimming Compilation entitled, Liquid Sky, which is complete overload. But, like, blissfully overloaded; truly avant-garde; everything Cadu Tenorio has been putting out forever. Rimming Compilation: Liquid Sky was [IMO] meant to be listened to in an amphitheater. Or purely a private gallery soundtrack during a visual artist’s premiere. Possibly museum fare. Focused:

The second of Cadu Tenório’s Rimming Compilation comes in like a NSFW video (without the visual, but I still wouldn’t put this audio on blast): Phantom Pain. No joke, keep your headphones in for the intro of Phantom Pain, like… I’m in a café right now across the street from the 109th Precinct, and they’d FOR SURE get called if my headphones jerked out the computer right now. Again, Cadu Tenório keeps it G on the experimental, never flitching (even though Phantom Pain is a compilation.