Tiny Mix Tapes

Scientific Dreamz of U - Kestrel Explorations; Gentle Beads of Passion Kestrel Explorations; Gentle Beads of Passion


Scirentific Dreamz of U needs to finally create that application where one can sit with their BluTooth tech or headset microphone and pick up all the languages being spoken around the user. Like, how Google Translate has that photo scanning application for special menus at your favorite non-American restaurant. Or wait, is this already a thing? Either way, this dude at the subway was dealing illegal BOOZE (I think), while I’m listening to Scirentific Dreamz of U’s Kstrel Explorations; Gentle Beads of Passion and I want to communicate to this person, “I want some too.” He’s here every Sunday. He provides samples first on the bench, then asks me to watch his food — mind you: I’m sitting in the 7-line rail-car waiting for it to “set sail” — as he leaves with some random person who just took a sip from his Styrofoam cup. Get some: