Not Not Fun is in motion, constantly. One of the label’s most common threads throughout their discography is how much the label expands their sounds in branches that vary and bud and bloom, whither, twig, and the repeat in the coming season. It’s a personality more than some novel idea or lineage or genre-/atmospheric driven tenacity. [Writer’s Note: no hate on the labels that really go all-out in a single genre, continue to keep it music, and I’ll listen.] And now the label is up on Bandcamp, like…. Next up: Ekolali.
Ekolali’s newest Igor dives into the deepest end for sinking purposes. The float alone off the “(Side A excerpt)” of Igor is something worth digging up that treasure in a ocean dune just to nibble another taste of the magic this world has to offer. Melodies like Internet pings against WiFi signals bouncing off wherever life has been. Earth isn’t a factor in Ekolali’s realm. Dimensions of Igor begin ripping open gateways on October 30 via Not Not Fun Records. Take a bit below: