Tiny Mix Tapes

Factory - “Time Machine” “Time Machine”


Music is time machine, easily accessible, and here we are in the phone booth, free again. Factory’s “Time Machine” begins with a quick feel of dim theater-ready texture before swelling up and making room for a beloved rock fix and riff, the base for crude and fantastic travel. It’s not too long before we get what we really want: reckless vibrato at the tails of the verses, spinning into gratifying guitar solos — several chances at escape — the wild beast incarnate, coarse, yet cleaned up enough with cheap soap and whatever might be crawling in the carpet or in its flowing hair. The experience ruptures at dawn, but who can tell? The room where the experience takes place is light independent, boarded up, scratches in the compressed wood, hammer without a handle, tightly tuned toms, amps on. In this room, the twister lifts up anything that is stale and regenerates it. These tornadoes are spotted periodically across the flatland, across the carpet. But what is that crawling in the carpet?

Factory’s “Time Machine” is off the third installment in the Brown Acid series from Permanent Records and L.A. label RidingEasy. The series collects rare and unreleased proto-metal from the 60s and 70s. Listen to the track below, and find more about the compilation here and here, which is out October 31.