Tiny Mix Tapes

Trademarks & Copyrights - All Night Long All Night Long


Someone(s) on Twitter have been spreading information about vaporwave cassettes losing their value now, and aren’t as sought-after as they once were. CUT TO: me sending Mr. P my tape of Chuck Person’s infamous Chuck Person’s Eccojams Vol. a few years back as a birthday gift. But this statement is funny for two reasons: 1) a statement like that is obviously someone trying to push for more people to sell vaporewave tapes for cheaper, rather than presenting factual information showing their decline in value, and 2) there’s SHIT LOADS of digital-only releases that are WAY worthy and more memorable if one rips them onto tape in bulk. This is where All Night Long by Trademarks & Copyrights comes into play.

Out now on Verbatim Consciousness Recordings, All Night Long is a sure-fire crowd pleaser that vapes hard on the clever, and an instant DIY dub classic. Even labeling the cassette with Trademarks & Copyrights makes a nostalgic LAWLZ for your future self. Who’s thankful for All Night Long sliding into the game for a great year of vaporwave — despite the harsh rise of hardvapour. Move to the music: