In case you forgot or didn’t hear about the news, Wu-Tang Clan’s last memorably packaged release was the single-edition, secretly-recorded album Once Upon a Time in Shaolin, which was purchased by disgraced pharmaceutical man-baby Martin Shkreli in May 2015 for an alleged price of $2 million. That album probably won’t reach the majority of our ears until the legal restrictions on commercial distribution are lifted a god damn century from now, so just in case you don’t feel like waiting, let’s not act like the influential rap outfit doesn’t have a back catalog worthy of active and direct reminiscence. Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) certainly shouldn’t need an introduction by now, and perhaps Gen Xers have a ragged old cassette laying around that could use a supplementing medium.
Enter the just-announced Get On Down-sponsored reissue of 36 Chambers, which boasts as its selling point not just the music of a classic rap album, but also a collection of seven 7-inch singles delivering the music, a 56-page book of liner notes (featuring comments from RZA and Wu-Tang scholar Chris Faraone), and a “premium leatherette” slipcase that obviously sounds way more fancy than just non-French normal leather. Fans of bonus tracks will also be glad to know that the last 7-inch contains a “Bloody Version” of “Protect Ya Neck,” and who knows what that entails.
Check the trailer for the release below and pre-order it here; early December’s the anticipated shipping period.