Taking music writing seriously is building up the moment before listening to something you’re ready to write about. Completely based opinion. Whatever comes out is legit: true to the music. Audible creativity steering another who’s just jacked about being/acting creative. Since OSCOB dropped Eating Yourself Alive, I’ve been itching a hole in my face wanting to listen, but remaining unbias and in the moment was the path I chose, waiting until now to press PLAY. There’s definite ups and downs, and I see where CHAMBER 38 lies in answering the question, “Are you an OPN or Ferraro listener?” But I believe I read somewhere OSCOB mentioned this album should be listened to as “horror,” and taking it from there — because I like that angle — I could totally see this being the soundtrack to being murdered in a very down/depressed time in my life when inflatable Pocky sticks never existed. Like, walking my dog and getting me throat cut is a shrug emoji. Being bombed out in a China Garden Buffet. Killing myself on accident when stepping on glass at night, falling, cutting open my hands and arms, going back to sleep with the logic I’ll take care of this in the morning, only to bleed out and never awake again. People at work like, “Fuck, I gotta do extra now and don’t know how to feel about this. Fridays tonight? I hate Tuesdays. They brought back the Apocalyritas. Pop Rocks on the rim:”