Everyone remember Squeo? News editor around these TMT parts about a year ago. Did some real groundbreaking things. Talked up some real groundbreaking artists. Quit. Why? No real reason. Probably Mr P freaking out at the beginning of every year: “This might be TMT’s last year. Don’t tell anyone.” Everyone knows. Everyone wants TMT. Everyone is here for TMT. So chip in. Be a part. Give up them ideas. P got all the time in the world now. What’s your story? How’d you get this far? Find yourself, muster up the good, and tell P what your vision suggests. Next level.
Squeo is going next level with Chantal. Don’t axe me what it is. Don’t axe Squeo. Figure out your own direction. Manifest destiny. 2017 is all about them chess moves. Individual players are wanted in a HARSH team-effort. Can you character in a group?