Tiny Mix Tapes

Barnaby Bennet - “Avant LaGuardia” “Avant LaGuardia”


As if Prurient learned how to software. Or if Rashad Becker mastered Double Cup. Barnaby Bennet’s “Avant LaGuardia” provides intriguing cross-over values in soundscape and remix cultures. Like, “Avant LaGuardia” track is totally justifiable in the club as it is on repeat for three hours while you stare at a wall, complete. And I thought it was a little more trifling on the outside, but increase the volume. Easy is as Barnaby Bennet flows.

Realistically, an “Avant LaGuardia” is almost redundant, as the Queens’ NYC airport is riddled with serendipitous encounters that forever remember. “Remember driving almost all the way there?” Barnaby Bennet, come back: