As tempted as I am to compare your killing me bby with Portastatic or Guided by Voices on the merit of its Spector-ian crampedness and chord progressions dotted with the sort of palate-scraping crystals that gather at the bottom of your bag of Sour Patch Kids, I find Winterblues’ music more spiritually in tune with Earl Sweatshirt’s I Don’t Like Shit, I Don’t Go Outside. Pasting paper-shredded scraps of songs to the page after soaking them in gloom, Winterblues’ debut record is a soggy product of hibernation: the springtime thaw that once dripped from the bitcrushed drones of Sweatshirt’s “Grief” now forms beads of feedback sweat on “first track” and jazzy puddles of catharsis that slick “the thin vein”.
your killing me bby feels like runoff left by a period of emotional turmoil buried too far beneath its own reverb to detect — we can only watch our subject triumph through a thick sheet of glass that looks more like a post-shower mirror than a window.