What if you stripped ROBEDOOR of that evil sound and fell into the ritual worship the duo takes heavy practice in creating during performance (and potentially recording)? You’d get New Age Sewage. It’s always been the group’s MO to bring that draw out décor of grainy sludge, and each of their releases — which could fill a holistic apothecary full of homeopathic, sonic remedies and antidotes — New Age Sewage seems to perfectly match and compliment the images from the movie Begotten used in their “Age of Sewage” teaser-trailer, conjured up and edited by Benjamin Shearn.
Although, similar to the Begotten experience, ROBEDOOR finds that healing and renewal process through the uncomfortable and exploratory. Vocals that sound toxic. Mutated waves of oceanic filth. Debased of all human appearance, melting troves of self excrement, wilted in hopes of rebuilding stamina, and rising forever within the New Age Sewage. Preorder now at Hands in the Dark Records. First 150 are a sickening sea foam green in a noxious transparency. Behold the “Age of Sewage” teaser-trailer: