Tiny Mix Tapes

Isabella Rodriguez - “Oh My Goy” “Oh My Goy”


Get you a baby boy, or girl, or goy. Soy tu cowboy; tu eres mi cowgirl. Get someone, someones, something, anything close, closer, until it’s all my goyyy.

Algo de alegría y de olvido. In the moonlight: your skin. In the mirror: your hair, your hands. Claro como una lámpara.

Isabella Rodriguez for the swoon. Entre el rocío y las montañas, una palabra entonces, una sonrisa.

Gush or grind up below, and also, if you’re in NYC, Isabella will be showing work at a new space in Ridgewood, Queens, Jimmy’s, with artists Caley Feeney and Bora Akinciturk. More details on that here!

Written in collaboration with Hydroyoga.