Tiny Mix Tapes

TYPHONIAN HIGHLIFE - “Symphosodon Nasty Boys” “Symphosodon Nasty Boys”


THE WORLD OF SHELLS be getting aROUNd, b. First taste we got of TYPHONIAN HIGHLIFE (a.k.a. Spencer Clark) is on the project-owned, main-stay label, Pacificity Soundvisions. Since the musician is now located in Belgium — next his good friend, Lieven Martens — it only made sense to release THE WORLD OF SHELLS on the “locally” (European) owned, KRAAK. NOW!!! The time has cometh for THE WORLD OF SHELLS to actualize itself state-side on Sun Ark Records and Drag City Records (buy it on LP here).

Snoop the single “Symphosodon Nasty Boys” below, and find TYPHONIAN HIGHLIFE on tour with Ducktails and James Ferraro: