Tiny Mix Tapes

Alex Crispin - “In Constant Soul” “In Constant Soul”


Werner Herzog can suck an egg. Let me explain: yes, the natural world has its faults, and yeah it’s true that life feeds on life ceaselessly, and of course, if you really think about it, the cold, unrelenting death-barrel called existence is fucking paralyzing, but, if the truth of the matter has any say in it, nature can ALSO be peaceful and serene. I mean, just ask Alex Crispin. He’ll tell you. He’ll tell you all kinds of stuff. He’ll tell you loons on a misty pond in the wee dawn can ease your troubled mind. He’ll tell you mountains gently kissing the sky with their snowy peaks can smooth your wrinkles. He’ll even tell you that the far off sounds of the slow, crashing sea can help fix your failing window washing career. Need further proof? Watch the above video for “In Constant Soul” (taken from Crispin’s album Idle Worship on the ambient/new age label Sounds of the Dawn), and then try to tell me nature ain’t a peach! I dare you!