Tiny Mix Tapes

Adult Swim posits the existence of a dream pop dream team, then recruits dream pop’s dream team for new LUXE compilation


In addition to being a totally kick-ass channel for alternative cartoons and live action hi-jinks, Adult Swim has developed a nice little side-line in releasing impeccable compilations (2016’s noise compilation and their annual Singles Series) and original albums (Killer Mike, Little Dragon, Lord Raja), which more than pinpoints the company as being finger-on-the-pulse kind of progressive taste-makers we should all be paying tons of undivided cultural attention to, no questions asked.

On that basis, you should all get on-board the dream-pop band wagon NOW, because on May 10, Adult Swim will release their latest compilation titled LUXE. It’s being described as a collection of dream-pop and future-soul songs from some of the best bands you’ve ever heard of but never really knew were actually “dream-pop” or “future-soul” because you’re not the kind of person who worries about genres, right?

Reductive assignment of stylistic dichotomies notwithstanding — the compilation promises tasty music makers including Tei Shi, Toro Y Moi, Neon Indian, Wye Oak, The Mountain Goats, Sassy Black, Active Child, Deep Shoq, FEATHERS, Men I Trust, Mum, Paloma, Starchild & The New Romantic, Kllo, and High Highs. Adult Swim creative director Jason DeMarco said that the artists were chosen because “we all need music that can lift us up and relax us sometimes.”

And great news: you can start chilling-the-fuck-out now with Tei Shi’s contribution to LUXE, called “One Thing,” right down below.

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