In case you thought you could maybe just take a small break from obsessively collecting, listening to, and blogging about CAN records, THINK AGAIN. The everlasting endeavor of unearthing and truly understanding the recorded output of the Krautrock legends officially revs back up this month, as Mute and Spoon Records combine forces to release a handy compilation of all of CAN’s singles, titled CAN The Singles (you see what they did there?).
So, I hope you’ve finished your deep dive into the massive 17 disk box set of all CAN’s albums from late last year, because you can now continue your exploration with this huge triple-vinyl compilation, which features all CAN’s singles (both the CANonized and obscure) in their original (non-album) format — plus “Shikako Maru Ten” (listenable down below), which has only ever been included as the b-side to “Spoon” in 1972.
In other CAN news, Faber & Faber will be releasing a massive CAN compendium in Spring 2018, featuring the first authorized biography and a whole host of CAN-related CAN-phemera. We really weren’t lying when we said than CAN fandom (CAN-dom) is an everlasting endeavor. GET BACK TO WORK.
CAN The Singles tracklisting:
01. Soul Desert
02. She Brings The Rain
03. Spoon
04. Shikako Maru Ten
05. Turtles Have Short Legs
06. Halleluwah (Edit)
07. Vitamin C
08. I’m So Green
09. Mushroom
10. Moonshake
11. Future Days (Edit)
12. Dizzy Dizzy (Edit)
13. Splash (Edit)
14. Hunters And Collectors (Edit)
15. Vernal Equinox (Edit)
16. I Want More
17. …And More
18. Silent Night
19. Cascade Waltz
20. Don’t Say No (Edit)
21. Return
22. Can Can
23. Hoolah Hoolah (Edit)