Hello there, little reader! How ya doing? I hope well!
Anywho, in regards to that thing you keep asking me about, the answer is still, sadly, no. I haven’t seen your dog anywhere. But, like I said, I promise to keep an eye out. Got a magnifying glass on my nightstand just in case the little bugger scurries past my window.
In regards to that OTHER thing you keep asking me about, the answer is, happily, yes. That’s right, you guessed it, PolyGlove’s new EP On Tick is dropping hella hard on 06/09/17 via de/konstruk/cionez in limited editions of both cassette and vinyl, and we’ve got the exclusive stream for you TODAY. Short, hard, entrancing, and full of minor alterations, the EP feels like a walkthrough of a machinist shop, what with its ticks, hums, and thuds. But this ain’t no ordinary walkthrough. No, ma’am. These gadgets have a way about them, and they likes to boogie. Let that play button flow below to find out:
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But that’s not all we’ve got for you. Not by a long shot. The electronic Dublin duo have also given us here at TMT an exclusive chance to share with you, the reader, a wonderfully hard-to-watch video for the On Tick’s lead track “SMACK”. Chock full of lubed up biceps, triceps, and whyceps, this muscular assault on your eyes gives the transcendent, churning track a whole new spin. And what a spin! Watch below, and try not to get too woozy from all the bronzer.