Tiny Mix Tapes

Rapper/truth seeker Lando Chill announces new album The Boy Who Spoke To The Wind, premieres “Take it Slow”


It takes a certain confidence of character to describe yourself as a “warrior poet.” Tuscon-based rapper Lando Chill exudes the sort of charisma that makes you believe the dude at his word, and this aura carries one right over the threshold of his ethereal, sprawling, wildly ambitious new album, The Boy Who Spoke To The Wind.

Taking inspiration from The Alchemist — Paulo Coelho’s treatise on self-actualization via turning yourself into wind — the record is a mash of jazz breaks, stoned nature meditations, conscious calls to action, and the plumbing of Lando’s own hipster-mystic persona. It is an album unafraid to tackle big ideas with seriousness, whether the communal pain of police brutality, or the worth of one’s soul, or the untimely death of Lando’s own father. It is hard not to admire and be moved by Lando’s earnest quest for radical transcendence, for answers to the questions of his time, even for evolution — not to mention his invitation for us to join him on this trip.

In anticipation of the album’s release, Tiny Mix Tapes is very happy to premiere album cut “Take It Slow.” Stream it right down below, and then while you’re at it, also check out the mini-doc “Chillin’ With Lando” in which we follow the artist around town for a laid back day of record shopping, weed, and intellectual musings.

The Boy Who Spoke To The Wind will be available June 23 from Mello Music. The vinyl run is already going, going, gone, but you can still pre-order the record on iTunes right here.

The Boy Who Spoke To The Wind Tracklisting:

01. Break Them Shackles
02. The King of Salem
03. Freedom
04. People Are Evil
05. No Paz
06. o sicario e o padre
07. Black Boy Run
08. The Wind & The Rain
09. Ain’t For Us
10. O Alquimista
11. Take It Slow
12. Broken Worlds
13. falou com o vento pt. 1
14. falou com o vento pt. 2
15. Heartspace