Tiny Mix Tapes

Twin Peaks music supervisor releases the show’s “unofficial ambient score” on Sacred Bones


SHOWTIME® just sent us the remaining episodes of the new Twin Peaks series, and — spoiler alert — it’s going to be CRAZY! Here’s a little taste of what to expect: Mr. C gets lonely and creates a ton of additional Dougies to cheer him up; Janey-E divorces the original Dougie but marries a different one at Club Silencio (whose best man is another Dougie!); Gordon shouts “hot dog!” upon discovering Briggs’s head below a convenience store owned by one of the Dougies; Tammy investigates the “spiritual mound” with a team of Dougies; Wally hits the open road (his dharma) searching for a couple rogue Dougies; and, finally, Richard Horne frames one of the Dougies for the truck incident, but everyone’s happy about it because that specific Dougie was kinda annoying anyway.

Oh yeah, and Sheriff Truman brutally murders Andy!! So weird.

Anyway, to get you prepared for the Dougie takeover, Dean Hurley — the show’s sound/music supervisor, frequent Lynch collaborator, and drummer of the series’s fictitious band Trouble — has released “an unofficial ambient score to Twin Peaks” called Anthology Resource Vol. 1: △△. The press release describes the music as ranging from “ethereal tones to sputtering electricity to densely brooding musical cues.” In other words, it’s not the kind of stuff we’re hearing at the Roadhouse, but the kind ringing from the corners of the Great Northern Hotel or violently buzzing from an electrical outlet — you know, TMT sorta stuff.

Anthology Resource Vol. 1: △△ is out now digitally and out soon on vinyl via Sacred Bones. Listen to “Eastern European Symphonic Mood No. I” below, and then prepare to see Jon Snow and Daenerys incestuously hooking up Andy horrendously mutilated by Sheriff Truman in Part 16. Ouch!

Anthology Resource Vol. 1: △△ tracklist:

01. Intro Cymbal Wind
02. Night Electricity Theme
03. Electricity I
04. Weighted Room / Choral Swarm
05. Tube Wind Dream
06. Tone / Slow Speed Prison / Low Mood
07. Slow One Chord Blues (Interior)
08. Interior Home by the Sea
09. Low Sustained Mystery
10. Angel Choir Reveal
11. Seven Heaven
12. Eastern European Symphonic Mood No. 1
13. Black Box
14. Girl Appears / Black Smoke
15. Shanghai Mysterioso
16. Forest / Interior
17. Electricity II
18. Future / Past