Tiny Mix Tapes

BbyMutha - “RULES” “RULES”


Okay, okay, I admit it. Twitter brought me here. But when has that ever been a bad thing? In fact, twitter brings me lots of things I like. Laughs, memes, vines (RIP), even stupid shit like the news. But occasionally it lends itself to something greater: bringing me the hottest shit out right now. I’m talking music, baby! Today, my thumbs scrolled me right into BbyMutha (a.k.a. black marge simpson, a.k.a. the queen of the Chattanooga rap scene). On “RULES,” her Southern drawl spreads over the beat like butter on toast, the instrumental warbles in a way most satisfying, the visuals for it are wonderful. It’s a real doozy.

Not much else to say here folks, other than “watch the video above,” and be sure to check Twitter daily for new music and various updates from all over the world!