Tiny Mix Tapes

Steve Gunn to blaze a ballistic trajectory through west coast this January with Julie Byrne


Ever since firing-off his distinctive 2016 album Eyes on the Lines with some gunpowder and a little spark from Matador, it seems like New York-based guitar crusader Steve Gunn has been flying around the earth at a near-constant velocity of about a thousand miles an hour.

Having already spent most of 2017 circling the world with the likes of Lee Ranaldo, James Elkington, Heron Oblivion, Meg Baird, and Michael Chapman, Gunn is already liberally lubing up his guitars and shaving his entire body for a similarly frictionless and nonstop 2018.

And by “nonstop,” I mean that he’ll totally, abolutely, 100% be *stopping AF* at the following places along America’s west coast with his latest traveling companion Julie Byrne.

If you live anywhere near the western US, scope all of your chances to catch a fleeting glimpse of the Gunn n’ Byrne Comet down below a few recent video clips…neither of which you have to watch if you’re kinda on-the-go and just don’t have the time right now. (Something tells me Gunn would understand.)

Gunn goes west:

01.11.18 - Seattle, WA - Tractor Tavern*
01.12.18 - Vancouver, BC - St James Hall*
01.13.18 - Portland, OR - Mississippi Studios*
01.14.18 - Portland, OR - Mississippi Studios*
01.16.18 - San Francisco, CA - The Chapel*
01.18.18 - Visalia, CA - The Cellar Door*
01.19.18 - Los Angeles, CA - Zebulon*

* Julie Byrne