Tiny Mix Tapes

Endolphins - Large, Complex Machines Which Perform Narrow, Specific Functions Large, Complex Machines Which Perform Narrow, Specific Functions


Endolphin call it “a musical Rube Goldberg machine.” I call it Vorticist. In the end, we’re both right.

I think.

The heap of musical phrases that pile onto Large, Complex Machines Which Perform Narrow, Specific Functions’ centrifugal groove are typographical in nature. These mumblings of piano and spidery guitar riffs plant sucking kisses against pulpy paper, leaving wet, inky prints of sans-serif boldness in their trail. The multiplying phrases crowd their own margins and eventually overlap: a block-lettered “spelunkers” and a “trypophophobic” occupy the same space to form what looks like the tread of a rectangular shoe on the page.

The narrow function of these complex machines is to stamp out conversational speech, randomly genereated and placed. The end result will surely be an all-black sheet that droops when picked up.

Until then, here are some gems you’ll parse out of the Chicago duo’s Futurist syntax.

nightmare bag of grinding palettes
i can’t even get a decent bagel
leave the tv on for the dog
dried egg jam occurred

…And make sure you stick around long enough to hear the threadbare ode to Chicago hot dogs, “Pizza Venn Diagram,” anxious piano trills, patiently strummed chords, and all.

Peep the animated EP below: