“Four drinks in and every speck of stimuli is mashing together and hitting all at once. The lights, the music, the sweat, the taste of a ten dollar Bud Light, the touch of dozens of foreign bodies. At the center of it, I exist as a black hole swallowing up the maximalist environment, slowly but surely. Initially, it was overwhelming, but once I let go … I was zenned out of my mind. Instead of millions of movements vying for attention, the club de-evolved into a two-dimensional, bite-size mass. “
“It tastes like a gobstopper dipped in syrup. A cavity-inducing treat sure to shoot me into a sugar rush before I could lick my teeth clean. The bell-ringer effect doesn’t stop, my heart is beating to the tempo of the seizure-inducing juke blasting from a speaker two-inches left of my head. All these bodies around are blending into an amoeba, violently whipping its appendages around in search of more members. Let’s grab the wallflowers, the bartenders, the bouncers. It’s hungry.”
“This is living, I’m alive. I finally get it!”
I’m not sure what I got, but at the time that I wrote this in my phone notes, I apparently had it.
I woke up and my face was stuck to the floor, everything was rank with a concoction of beer, sweat, and god-knows-what-else. What was once an escapist dreamland of rhythm and upper-middle class luxury had become an off-colored, hangover hellscape. Why had no one woke me up?
I left with a lack of dignity and an abundance of day-old glitter that will be all my apartment for weeks. The light of the afternoon felt hotter than normal and the birds weren’t singing, they were screaming. I made it home by 3, giving me the perfect amount of time to shower and recharge before doing it all again, baby.
Stream Diamond Soul’s full release of Cloud Reality below, which is now available via Orange Milk Records now. Stay hungry.