I’m one of those guys who doesn’t buy a lottery ticket until the prize money shoots past $100 mil, then it’s just like, why not? I could sure use a cool $100 mil, and so could you. (And no, I REFUSE to play the scratch-offs, that’s for suckers — stakes are too low.) But today — even with the winnings well below my threshold — I’m playing my numbers. I’m feeling pretty lucky today.
There’s a reason for that. And no, it’s not because I’m spinning Lotto’s VV, although that surely factors into it a little bit. The real reason I’ve got a spring in my step is that Lotto’s VV so sufficiently syncs up with my mood right now that it feels like I’ve got a vial of Felix Felicis1 coursing through my veins. The propulsive Warsaw trio — Łukasz Rychlicki on electric guitar, Make Majkowski (who I’ve covered before) on double bass, and Paweł Szpura on drums — snakes their noir-soaked negative-space jazziness all up and down your spine, tickling the reward centers of your brain as it passes. Oh, those endorphins are really kicking in now! It’s like one of those psychedelic 1960s dance numbers broke out in my skull, where opaque colored silhouettes of groovily dancing bodies superimpose themselves over what I’m seeing. Or it’s like that one time Harry Potter took that luck potion and everything went his way. I forget which movie that was.
As the record winds down into a late-night Badalamenti-esque shuffle, I’m no less enthralled with the ticket in my hand, certain that it contains untold riches (or, actually, finite riches based on the digital readout at the convenience store). And, with Lotto spinning on my turntable, how can I possibly lose?
VV is out November 23 on CD and LP via the Krakow-based Instant Classic.
1. See Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, book or film, for more information; also for fun!