Mother fucker that May to December gap, brothers be bugging for a way. The way. And Dil Withers [period], tho. Y’alll been fucking with Dil lately? B/c is chilli if “no” b/c Dil=ee b willy. And freedom of me coagulates at the tempo verse so we all been had thewhile. Oooo fuck you dumb not to numb on this bbeat,bb. this B ona surface way a-more-so; the CANTO. people bugging bout bees when the m acorns stop to drop people is less annoyed, like…
an i ccrush dem shits walking me dog, Mauhdi. step-twist is the it. it’s all in the swivle, but savory. for the love in this building. Annn it’— don’t stopp. a lil wiggle room to the gnash. Youc an be cute with everyone, just try to be peacefulaboutit and love. there’s a mindset everyone can access andthat’s possitve. B the first to step,,,,b: