Tokyo’s dok-s project, alumnus to Orange Milk and Squiggle Dot alike, shares sounds as happily cryptic as homophonic translations. Ontdekking van mysterieuze bevindingen. On deck, a king and a mysterious beveling. On tech-ing, vans, moisturizer, and evening. It’s fun. It’s blissfully illogical. It’s a language all its own. And how he does it, only his DAW knows.
dok-s is also playing a series of shows in Tokyo (!) and Boston (!!) and New York (!!!) starting later this month and extending through early May. See dates below the audio player. I’ll be at Babycastles, bopping. Say, “Hi!”
Tour dates, in non-TMT format:
3/23 Abolished building in Tokyo
3/30 Forest Limit hatagaya (Tokyo)
4/27 at H0L0 NYC
4/28 at Boston Hassle (Boston)
4/29 at Secret Project Robot (NYC)
5/1 at WNYU and Cooper (NYC)
5/3 at Babycastles (NYC)