Tiny Mix Tapes

John Fox - “Angel_Cry [R].mp3” “Angel_Cry [R].mp3”


Suddenly addicted to John Fox and their amalgamated kind of bedroom… rap? Pop? It’s hard to say. Fox pulls influence from all over and keeps me on my toes kind of like Yves Tumor.

The beats are weird, the samples are soulful, and the lyrics carry a kind of gristly poetry like we’ve heard and loved in the work of Dean Blunt and LORETTA ABERDEEN. But, just like those three, there’s something to be heard here that’s entirely Fox’s own—call it a tone, a bit ornate and weathered, haunted and eerie, tarnished like aged brass.

I imagine thick carpets, rolling around in them, alone, but with lips still cut and bleeding from kissing, in an empty opera house, the delicate roll of an angel’s marble tear. This is a mood. But really I’m just swaying in my room.

Fox has had a prolific couple of months, so click through the audio player and head to their SoundCloud to listen to two more recent full-length releases, THE PRELUDE and TACTIC[S].