Tiny Mix Tapes

Félicia Atkinson playing US live shows starting THIS WEEK, not giving anyone enough time to do the required reading


Aww, what the hell!? I just tried to use my college account to log in to JSTOR and was told I’ve been graduated too long to use their databases. Come on guys, it’s only been like two years!!

That’s a real bummer, because there’s no way I’ll be able to do all the reading for Félicia Atkinson’s brief upcoming US tour…you know: given that it starts THIS FRIDAY (March 30) and includes a stop at at NYC’s Issue Project Room THIS SATURDAY (March 31) — where she’s to perform a “brand new work” (!!!) — and all…

Atkinson, whose work constantly reminds me I didn’t study enough philosophy to write for this site, is the author of one of our favorite albums of last year: the extraordinary Hand in Hand. (Look, I promise; my Jacques Attali book is in the mail, professor! But I just won’t be able to finish the readings in such little time. Do you have office hours on weekends? Can I just stream the audio transcripts down below??)

Of course, Atkinson is more than just a musician, with ample and prominent work in visual art, publishing, curation, text, grammatology, research on the uniquely human phenomenology of music, and…uh, I don’t know…what’s the minimum word count again??? Anyway, these live performances are guaranteed to be really, very, very, very (very!) good. If you can stand to skip a few classes, you’d do well to get your pasty ass off-campus, get some fresh air and a change of scenery, and attend one of these things.

Félicia Atkinson Spring 2018 tour dates:

03.30.18 - New York, NY - The Emily Harvey Foundation*
03.31.18 - Brooklyn, NY - Issue Project Room**
04.05.18 - Chicago, IL - The Owl
04.15.18 - Portland, OR - Reed College
04.18.18 - Seattle, WA - Rare Air at the Timbre Room

* Morgan Bassichis, Sara Magenheimer, Constance DeJong, Wayne Koestenbaum, and Yann Sérandou
** Performing brand new work, “The Candle,” around an imaginary dialogue between the poems of Francis Ponge (1899-1988) and texts of her own. Curated by DeForrest Brown Jr.