Tiny Mix Tapes

Oren Ambarchi, Kassel Jaeger, and James Rushford meet up in the real physical world to collaborate on new album Face Time


Experimental music is all about transgression. If the artistic avant-garde won’t push against cultural mores, who will? Nor should any aspect of society be deemed safe — not even the apps on our phones. Can’t you see they’re just systems of control??

Luckily we have fellows like Oren Ambarchi. The first time I heard the experimental guitarist live, I made the silly decision to sit way up front. Holy hell, what a rinse; the guy’s distorted guitars enveloped me inside the liminal space of a jagged cloud. For sure, it was intense and cathartic, but only a hint of Ambarchi’s varied output.

Case in point: he’s once again teamed up with likeminded pals Kassel Jaeger and James Rushford for a new album called Face Time, the first record since their debut Pale Calling (which you can revisit for yourself down below).

The album’s two ~20-minute tracks continue to explore the territory initially sketched out by the first record, with swooning electronic murmurs and warbling bass hums, or, as Ambarchi himself puts it, “a simmering stew of electronic smears, pitched-down animal moans, and mysteriously emotive microtonal organ chords.” Ohh yeah…the record even features a Cristal Baschet.

Face Time was mastered by TMT favorite Rashad Becker, and the LP comes packaged in neon orange vinyl. Pre-order it here or grab your copy June 1 when it’s released on Black Truffle. Just remember it requires at least iOS 4 for it to work.

Face Time tracklisting:

01. Face
02. Face Time