Man, it’s tough to be a flag-waver these days. Cheer too politely or meekly and your heart and allegiance to the cause will be questioned. Being too boisterous brings the bad sorts of jingoism and chauvinism to the concern. Why can’t a group just get together and fly its colors for the right causes like music, art, food and booze, camaraderie and friendship, and celebrating a city’s freaky scene?
Well, they can! Organized by fraternal freaks Matt Mottel (Talibam!), Erkkiblum (Brooklyn Kitchen) and the not-for-profit label Ignivomous, the first-ever Freak Flag Fest will take place June 15-17 at Brooklyn Kitchen. The three day extravaganza will feature sets by a slew of disparate acts, including Excepter, Hard Nips, Prince Harvey, Jessica Pavone, Cooper Moore, the Afternoon Freak supergroup (Mottel, Mike Watt, and Danny Frankel), and many others. Add in film screenings by the likes of Troma and Horror Boobs, visual artists like Jonathan Sims and Matt Ortega, and food and drink, and you have a festival celebrating the Brooklyn artistic community that will have you white-flag surrendering.
The full bill of artists performing is listed below, and festival info and ticket ordering can be found here. Additional dirt on the acts, nibbles, bevvies, and assorted fest hoopla is also available on the Facebook event page here.
06.15.18 - Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn Kitchen #
06.16.18 - Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn Kitchen %
06.17.18 - Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn Kitchen ^
# Scott Kiernan and Victoria Keddie, Hard Nips, Jessica Pavone, Mia Theodoratus with lary7 and Michael Evans, Cooper Moore, Spires That in The Sunset Rise, Hippy with a Hammer (Steve DiBenedetto of Ted Carol Alice, Ernie Brooks of Modern Lovers, Bill Komoski of Dirty Mirrors, Jon Kessler of Patsys), Upper Wilds (with Dan Friel)
% Afternoon Freak (feat. Mike Watt, Danny Frankel and Matt Mottel), Colin Langenus (Usaisamonster) and Jim Mchugh (Sunwatchers), Laura Ortman, C. Tara and David Gladden, Excepter, Electroputas
^ Interactive inflatable installation by Tamar Ettun, Bob Bellerue, Sandy Ewen, Mrs. William Horsley, Causings, Prince Harvey, TROOSTITE