Tiny Mix Tapes

Why Be collaborates with Janus on new label, announces first release from Uli K


Hey, reader! Thanks so much for clicking through!

But basically, it’s like I already told you in the headline: after spending so much time hanging out together recently, Denmark-based electro-dance ass-kicker Why Be and Berlin-based electro-dance ass-kicking RECORD LABEL Janus have decided to take their relationship to the next level and go in on a new joint-label together.

Seriously! That’s pretty much the gist.

Okay, maybe just a few finer points: the new label is called Yegorka, and its first release will be a new album by London-based electro-dance ass-kicker Uli K called Uliverse. The album will be out June 5 “on all digital platforms,” and you can stream the first single from it down below right now.

But, like, for real: THAT’S the WHOLE NEWS.

The END!

What, you don’t believe me? Look, if it helps make it more official, here’s the damn Facebook post that I literally took ALL of my information from:

Still not satisfied? “Facebook isn’t really legit!” you say? FINE. Here’s the same info AGAIN, in Tweet form:

We good now?

Awesome. I figured that’d do the trick. Can’t really argue with Twitter.

Anyway, here’s that new Uli K track and the album info. Thanks again for stopping by! <3

Uliverse [YGK001] tracklisting:

01. Reconstructed Club Music
02. Summoned
03. Why Are All My Friends So Problematic
04. Affection One