Tiny Mix Tapes

Rangers - Late Electrics Late Electrics


Fuck all this club, dance, experimental, cloud rap, noise, ambient fuckery. Fuck all of it. Let’s fucking rock! Lo and behold: Rangers is back with some Late Electrics. And no matter how old-school rock and roll sounds, Rangers got that feel on lock. So if you’re not able to attend the live party (happening at Stone Henge; drone cam picture below), keep reading and then stream!

Major zoners like “Nile Rogers,” “Dutch Oven” and “Never Expected Much” lock down a humorous feel under a serious tone that jams and highlights some of Rangers expert guitar work. Specifically guitar work that sounds so easy to do, but probably took YEARS to perfect and compose. “Well-Fed Jaguars,” “Apartment Scene” and (title track) “Late Electrics” soar from the past sound we’re all so familiar with when Rangers pop onto our playlists. Definitely a refined flavor of Rangers in these three tracks, but the good-old Teccus boi we’ve all come to adore.

Just the title alone, though: Late Electrics. Like we been waiting. Like Rangers is catching up still. Like a statement had been made. Like we need to keep it a minute behind. Like Doom Trip Records bout that fashion on the reel (or digital). And so is Late Electrics.. so grip now and privy yourself to the whole things streaming below: