Tiny Mix Tapes

Clara! y Maoupa - “El Ratón” “El Ratón”


Someone keeps sending me e-mails telling me they have my password to an e-mail login. They’re telling me that through this e-mail login, they can see all my internet history and pull up video from my computer camera when it was in use. This e-mail I used 10 years ago, and the computer they’re referring to hasn’t been turned on for about eight years. But also, if they e-mail anyone I know, everyone would be like, “Yeah, we been known C watches [whatever] on his computer. Like, you don’t?”

So in reply, I sent this mystery person pictures of an old dorm mate. This old dorm mate blackmailed a friend’s ex into buying him Victoria Secret online (with the old dorm mate’s credit card) and made her take photos of him in these Victoria secret outfits posing on all our cars in the dorm parking lot. One day, my pal Mickey came across them on some .Ru website, and sent all those pictures to all the other dorm mates including me. End-game: the mysterious person “threatening” me will hopefully send all these pictures to my contacts and I’ll be like *shurg emoji*

Editions Gravats finally dropped a plate of Clara! & Maoupa. Below is the intense single “El Ratón.”