No one can quite say for certain when the singularity will come upon us or even begin but it’s fair to speculate on where its velocity will pick up first. Perhaps we aren’t approaching a pure technological point, or perhaps that’s just a secondary facet to this event horizon. With No Problema Tapes’s latest…tape, I’m confronted by a singularity of sorts, ablated vapor in the vein of a certain atmospheric titan. Like the aforementioned, it’s difficult to pinpoint just what entity I’m listening to, what mystical renderings Abandoned 実体 represents and presents. Bleeding digital hues, beautiful if not obfuscatory in their direction. Is there a communion here, some warmth or the lonely artificial beneath?
Utopian Render is as astronomical as it is minute, stars made facsimile cells. Maybe it’s not an event horizon of sound, being far too expansive and lush for such a terminal tone. Abandoned 実体’s sort of singularity is straight-up consuming, subsuming, erasure with one sound in its wake. ▲