This ain’t the first Fire-Toolz video we’ve posted for Skinless X-1, and if we all behave ourselves here at Tiny Mix Tapes, it won’t be the last. We’re doing OK so far — Skinless made our Third Quarter Favorites list (buried at the bottom of page 4, but still), and some brave, brilliant writer — not gonna say who — (it was me) — dropped some sweet dopey love on that sucker. In fact, I’m gonna go so far as to say that if Skinless doesn’t make the year-end 50 albums list, I’m gonna eat my glasses. That’s some straight-up future-peeping premonitional knowledge right there.
So, today you’re in for an extra-special treat, a “twofer” according to Hausu Mountain label co-head Doug Kaplan (I don’t use imaginary words like that). Not only does this head trip of a video contain the music of the song “Screamography,” it also features the bonus track “Second Life”! Well, it’s not really a bonus so much as it’s the second part of the package deal — let’s just say you’re getting two songs for the price of one in this video* (and the price is free!).
Oh — that’s what “twofer” means.
Peep the video below, and buy Fire-Toolz’s Skinless X-1! Hype machine winding… down…
* red sphere in water animation: manda boling
analog footage in second life: christine janokowicz
everything else: angel marcloid