Lucrecia Dalt has released a selection of fourteen archived shows from the radio show, Pli, which she curated from July 2016 to December 2018 on Red Bull Radio.
Some take the form of interviews and include iconic guests such as Beatriz Ferreyra and Michael Pisaro. Others explore particular themes or notions like the show “”Two Fold” which examined musical dichotomies, phasing, and radical differences in sound,” writes Dalt. About another, “Flying Artefacts”, one of my personal favorites from the collection, she writes:
This show is dedicated to all those flying artefacts out there: From birds to souls to planes to rockets. From lovers to junk and dust. And to the odd possibility of getting ourselves a lunar space elevator. Not satisfied with getting extractions on the earth, we may need to start bringing lunar matters and deposits of silicon down here.
Click into each show to read Dalt’s other enlightening descriptions.
These kinds of topical mixes have been attracting me a lot lately as direct expressions of concept over style. Particular cravings. Special little dishes that necessarily fill in the gaps of a vastly decorated table.